Charity Donation Info
Thanks for pledging your donation to Tomorrow's Hope children's shelter. These details are only for direct giving to the charity.
All Donations Welcome
You are invited to donate amounts of $100, $200 or $500 to Tomorrow's Hope. You may also "Sponsor A Child" monthly, where you'll be provided updates on a child's academic progress and other personal needs. Every little counts. We'd love for you to be on board with us on this journey of faith.
To make a donation through bank transfer, check out the video below.
Bank Transfer
Beneficiary's Name : Yayasan Harapan Hari Esok
Beneficiary's A/C No : 1898 0000 0912
Beneficiary's Contact Number : 0813 9791 4769
Beneficiary's Bank SWIFT/BIC : NISPIDJA
Beneficiary's Address : No. 9 Jalan Perjuangan, Sidorejo, Kecil Medan Tembung, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20233
Name of City : Medan
Receiving Bank : OCBC NISP Cabang Gunung Krakatau
Receiving Bank's Address : Jalan Gunung Krakatau No. 59/103 AB. Kota Medan. Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Medan.